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Samaan Society Team 

Governing Board

Rajendra Bandhu

Founder & Director

Active social work for the past 35 years. Specialized in people’s centric writing for this received many awards including TarunBhaduri award, Sarojini Naidu Award, Ladli Media Award. National Media Fellowship by NFI, Peam Bhatia Scholarship. Major interest of work is on the issue of self-government and gender equality.

Sangeeta Patidar

In the rural areas of Madhya Pradesh, women’s groups and women’s empowerment were worked for 15 years. Along with the role of economic savings of women groups in the remote tribal area of ​​Dewas district of Madhya Pradesh, special work was done on their social empowerment and their strong participation in village and panchayat. Special work was also done on life skill development of teenage girls and legal training of women.

Anu Gupta

Active in field of Social Work for last 35 years, working in the health sector specially in the reproductive health.Special work was done on health awareness among adolescent girls. Along with this, many books have been written on various subjects focused on health education.

Dilip Rathore

Wooden Artist of Madhya Pradesh, Expert in delivering various messages through the artwork of timber. Performed artworks in several galleries in the Madhya Pradesh.

Geeta Bharti

Special work was done in the field of women’s health. Makes special efforts for health education, child malnutrition and community access to health services.

Maya Bhadoria

Special work was done on the role of women in various aspects of development like Panchayat Raj, women’s groups, dairy, livelihood etc. The work done on the role of women groups in Gram Sabhas in remote villages of Harda district of Madhya Pradesh is very important. Through this women were successful in solving the problems of their village.