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Community Mobilisation

The work of Samaan Society is community based and community cantered. So, the Samaan society has a special process for reaching out to the community. The community mobilization team of the organization is constantly active in the field and constant communication and contact with the community. The special thing is that the contact of the community is not limited only to its programs, but the organization stands with them in all their problems and makes efforts to increase the capacity of the community to deal with the problems.The Samaan Society has direct access to 6 lakh population of 200 habitations of Indore city.

Community mobilization is an important part of the work of the Samaan Society. The organisation looks at it as a program and a Special Programme Manager has been appointed by the organisation for planning of community mobilization, and for its implementation an entire team of Mobilisers is working in the field. It is clear that all the programmes of the organization are community oriented. The organisation believes that the process of social change can be accomplished only with the strength of the community and by taking the community together. Adding women to driving and mechanic training and profession is very challenging. For this, the organization workers sensitise the community, by organizing various activities with the community in the settlements. The organization’s work is mainly with the socio-economically weak and disadvantaged community. There are 700 settlements in Indore city, where the people of the disadvantaged sections reside. Out of these, the organisation has established its reach in 200 settlements. As a result, a total of 100 women have been trained as mechanics and drivers and are employed.

Activities under Community Mobilisation in the settlements
  • Focused Group Discussion:Under this, women in the settlements are gathered and their employment status is discussed and motivated to join the non-traditional professions.
  • Film Show:Films, focused on women engaged in non-traditional employment and its importance, are displayed in settlements.
  • Poster Exhibition:In poster exhibition, special information about importance of non-traditional professions and the employment opportunities in them is given through pictures. This exhibition is demonstrated in the settlements through which the people understand the importance of non-traditional professions.
  • Door to Door Contact:Discussions on skill development trainings and means of employment are held through door to door contact. Through this contact, the workers go to women at their homes and discuss in detail.
Skill & Employment Camp:


This camp is organized on a junction between various settlements. In this, discussions on skill development and employment are held inviting women from various settlements, and women and young girls who are interested in the training of the organisation are registered.
February 2025

Change Makers