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Rekha Gawli

Rekha Gawli achieved freedom through Mechanical skill



Rekha Gawli age is 30 years. Earlier she used to do house cleaning work. For this work, he used to get two to three thousand rupees every month.


Her husband works as a wage worker in a company, where he used to get Rs 6000 per month. Her husband was in the habit of drinking alcohol and used to drink alcohol by snatching money from Rekha from her earnings. He used to beat her for not paying the money.


One day Rekha got a mechanic training pamphlet of the Samaan Society. She contacted the Samaan Society and participated in the training. After 4 months of training, he got a job of Rs 7000 per month in a company. This amount was more than the earning of her husband. When she got her first salary, her husband asked for all the money. She did not give He beat her a lot for this. In this situation, she called the workers of the Samaan Society and told the husband that she would now stay away from him and would take action against the husband. Hearing this, her husband accepted his mistake and promised not to ask for money and beat her in future.


One day Rekha Gawli said that I cannot do household chores alone. You will also have to do some household chores. Her husband accepted this and now he started doing the work of cleaning the house, cleaning the utensil.


Earlier, where Rekha Gawli used to wear clothes according to her husband’s wish, now she used to wear clothes of her own choice. She buys the thinghs of the house of her own free will and can come and go anywhere. Thus now she has his own control over his life. She freed her life from the control of her husband.

While working, Rekha Gawli has bought tool kit and now she has left her compn’s job and started her own garage in her locality. She earns more than Rs 400 per day. In this way now she earns up to Rs 12000 per month every month

Rekha Gawli studied till 8th standard. She used to sweep people’s houses, from which she used to get two to three thousand rupees in a whole month. This money was also snatched away by her husband for drinking. When she refused to give the money, he used to beat her. Her husband works as a labour.

One day she got a pamphlet of Samaan Society. In which women were written about the training and employment of two wheeler mechanic. She called on the number given in the pamphlet. She took full details of the training program over the phone and reached the training center next day.

Rekha Gawli had to wear a sari and she always wore a veil. She reached the training center in the veil itself. She told that the in-laws get angry for not wearing the veil and the husband beats her up.

February 2025

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